The best blogs for women over 50. Find your new fave.

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What are the best blogs for women over 50?

There are not many blogs for women over 50 but those that do exist are awesome

Blogs for women over 50 are rare. Women over 50 are underrepresented online. However, those that exist are wonderful. Women over 50 bloggers cover everything from Menopause through empty nest syndrome, marriage, retirement, fashion, home and dating. Whatever your interests there is a blog for you.

I have rounded up a treasury of the best blogs for women after 50. An ever growing list to dip into whenever you have 5 minutes to kickback with a cup of coffee…

Blogs for women over 50 – My inspiration

When I started blogging, I thought there were no other women over 50 doing it. I was so wrong.

It’s just that the mommy bloggers and financial bloggers were more obvious.

Once I started to look I found them. Wonderful and exciting women bloggers detailing their life, loves and passions.


There are blogs for women over 50, covering everything you might be interested in.

Content covers;

The whole gamut of crazy life that comes with hitting 50 as a woman

My favorite blogs for menopausal and midlife women

The list below is a peek into the blogs that I check in on often. These are some of my favorites.

The ones that I will check into whenever I have 5 minutes of downtime. Me-time with a cup of coffee curled up in the comfy chair in my office.

I hope you find them as enjoyable as I do.

Tell me about your favorite blogs for women over 50

I love hunting around for new blogs for women over 50 that I haven’t seen before. It’s a wonderful peek into someone’s lifestyle and thoughts. Therefore, this post will be an ever growing list as I will add on all the new great blogs that I find.

I also ask you to comment and let me know the blogs for women over 50 that you love. I will add them in too. we will have a central treasury of all the wonderful knowledge available to us from these fabulous women bloggers.

If you are a over 50’s blogger yourself, please let me know about your blog and I will add it to my list. Let me know what niche your blog is in so I can keep the list organised.

  • Blogs For Women Over 50

    Blogs For Women Over 50 – Pin For Later

    Families & Relationships

  • Crafts & DIY
  • Fashion, Beauty & Style
  • Cooking
  • Lifestyle
  • Finance and Money
  • Travel
  • Health & Fitness
  • Self Care
  • Reinvention at Midlife
  • Humour

Love and Light

Feel like your old self in 21 days


My favourite blogs

Menopausal Mom

Menopausal Mom

Menopausal Mom is the blog of author Marcia Kester Doyle

I’ll let her describe it…

“Musings on the good, the bad, and the ugly side of midlife mayhem. If you bring me wine and a large jar of Nutella, I’ll be your best friend. This is rogue humour at its finest. Welcome to the nuthouse!”

The blog is really eclectic, covering a huge range of Marcia’s musings on life.

We can all relate to her humorous take on family life and the trials of midlife.

If you need a bit of a fun take on menopause and midlife check out this blog

Visit Menopausal Mom

Not Dead Yet Style

Not Dead Yet Style

The title of this blog appeals to my slightly weird sense of humour. 

Patti  says…

“I am a sixty-something woman, wife, professional, auntie and crazy cat lady. We’re not dead yet, so let’s enjoy every sandwich and gild the lilies.”

I absolutely love her quirky style sense and feel I can learn a lot from her wardrobe choices rather than play it safe with my usual clothing. Im looking forward to seeing more from her. 

Patti covers other subjects as well as wardrobe choices, with her thoughts and musings.

An elegant and enjoyable style blog

Visit Not Dead Yet Style

Walker Thornton

Walker Thornton

The tagline of this blog is “Ageing Unapologetically” which I think is the most wonderful statement. Its the blog of Walker Thornton, an inspiring older woman

Walker says

“I believe women want to be free to age on their own terms.

I believe it’s time for older women to ignore conventional wisdom and stop feeling boxed in by cultural expectations.

I believe sexual desire increases when we allow ourselves to seek desire in all aspects of our lives.”

She writes absolutely beautifully on a wide range of subjects. The main focus on sex and sexuality for woman as we age.

I find this blog incredibly inspiring and look forward to reading more.

Visit Walker Thornton

Magnificent Midlife

Magnificent Midlife

Magnificent Midlife is a wonderful blog set up by Rachel Lankester. 

Rachel mission is to

“help women move positively through menopause and the messy middle, to create a magnificent midlife experience that sets you up for long-term health, happiness and fulfilment.”

I love Rachel’s positive take on midlife which is something I hugely resonate with.

Her focus is on living your best life and personal transformation to help you refresh, reenergise and refocus.

Rachels blog is full of great information and she has a podcast and workshops too as well as offering one-to-one mentorship.

It’s one of the first blogs for women over 50 that I found and one that I check regularly.

Visit Magnificent Midlife

Midlife Rambler

Midlife Rambler

Katy Kozee covers a wide range of topics on her mid-life blog. Beauty and style, Home decor, health and wellness, your best self, travel and shopping are all areas that Katy examines.

I particularly like her make up tutorials where she tries out products herself. She also puts together great wardrobe capsule ideas which she models herself. It’s a nice personal touch to see Katy’s involvement within the site.

Altogether a fabulously wide ranging and in depth blog covering an amazing amount of relevant topics.

Highly recommended

Visit Midlife Rambler


Jeannie Collins Beaudin – The Hormone Lady

Jeannie Collins Beaudin

Jeannie is a retired Canadian Pharmacist who specialises in hormones. When she ran her own pharmacy she became known as “The Hormone Lady” as she became a specialist in helping women balance their hormones naturally. Now she has created a blog and book containing her knowledge.

There is a lot of good information on this blog if you are interested in dealing with menopause symptoms naturally

Visit Jeannie Collins Beaudin


The Vintage Contessa

The Vintage Contessa

A beautiful and classy style blog for more mature women. Vintage stylings.

Her Musings and Passions, What Inspires and Dazzles. Loving all things Worn and Rusted. Age. The Grandeur of the Past. Bottom line…… Contessa Chatter!

Visit The Vintage Contessa

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Menopause and Perimenopause can be a tricky time to pass through. I certainly had a turbulent journey. I learnt a lot from my intense battle. I rediscovered my Menopause Mojo and you can too. I truly believe that Menopause can be the start of the best part of your life. I am an Artist, Certified Transformation Life Coach, Holistic Health Coach, Hypnosis practitioner and woman's health researcher. NB. I am not a doctor or qualified to give medical advice. I merely share what has worked for me. I hope it can help you too. x