Apple Cider Vinegar For Hot Flashes. Myth or Miracle Worker?
Will apple cider vinegar help with hot flashes?
Apple Cider Vinegar For Hot Flashes. Can it help?
Hot flashes can be one of the most difficult to handle menopause symptoms. if you don’t want to try HRT there is little medical help for this disabling symptom. You may be looking for a natural menopause solution and maybe wondering, will apple cider vinegar help with hot flashes?
There is anecdotal evidence that Apple Cider Vinegar may help alleviate Hot Flashes. It’s detoxifying and probiotic qualities may also help with night sweats. Scientific studies show that Apple Cider Vinegar also has powerful weight loss effects which can be helpful around Menopause.
This article covers how to utilise this delicious natural product to help soothe your hot flushes and other menopause symptoms as well as improve gut health and even lose weight.
Will apple cider vinegar help with hot flashes?
Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV has been known about and used for years as a natural remedy for Hot Flashes in Menopause. Anecdotal evidence shows that a lot of women DO get relief from hot flashes by taking apple cider vinegar.
However, unlike weight loss, {where there is a lot of scientific evidence that ACV works}, there is no clearcut scientific evidence for ACV helping Hot flashes. This is not because it doesn’t work, but just that no-one has put the time and money into doing a research study.
Because it is a natural product, companies wouldn’t be able to patent a drug made from it and recoup their research costs so it doesn’t get studied.
However, it does seems to work for a lot of women. Because ACV has so many other scientifically proven health benefits across the whole body it’s probably worth trying it to see if it will help with your hot flashes too.
With 37.4% of women looking to alternative methods to help with menopause symptoms according to research, ACV is an important alternative remedy to try.
How should you take Apple Cider Vinegar for hot flashes?
The recommendations are to take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar a day in warm water. You can add a teaspoon of honey too. The honey is really helpful to hide the taste.
It has to be said that the vinegar is an acquired taste and some people don’t get on with it. The honey can really help.
I also like to drink ACV in sparkling water or soda with a sprig of mint or ginger and ice. This makes a nice tangy drink that you can sip throughout the day. You can experiment with what works for you.
However you take your Apple Cider Vinegar make sure you dilute it well. It’s not a good idea to drink ACV straight as a shot.
The extremely concentrated acidity can be very unpleasant to taste and upset your stomach. The acid in apple cider vinegar can also attack your tooth enamel info diluted. Always make sure you dilute it in a glass of water.
Combine the benefits of apple cider vinegar with other anti hot flush strategies such as…
- Avoiding spicy foods
- Making sure you stay hydrated.
- Cutting down on sugars
- Cutting down processed foods
- Keeping complex carb intake low
- Eating foods rich in magnesium such as nuts, seeds, beans, whole grains, and leafy greens.
Combined with ACV, these strategies may just move the needle away from constant hot flashes.
Apple cider vinegar for night sweats.
Again, many women swear by ACV for reducing night sweats. Its detoxifying action and beneficial effects across the body is thought to help by removing toxins that may normally be removed by sweating.
Drinking lots of water during the day with a splash of ACV in can help to get rid of these toxins so you don’t have to sweat them out at night. If night sweats are a problem for you during Menopause it’s worth trying it to see if it will help.
Does Apple Cider Vinegar help with weight loss at Menopause?
Weight gain can be a big problem during Menopause. So many ladies contact me about their struggle to lose extra weight when they hit midlife, Perimenopause and Menopause.
Weight loss is one of the most highly researched effects of ACV. There is a LOT of scientific evidence to show that Apple Cider Vinegar CAN absolutely help with weight loss.
It seems to help weight loss by
- Lowering blood sugar
- Reducing insulin levels
- Improving insulin sensitivity
- Working as an appetite suppressant
The Weightloss Studies for Apple Cider Vinegar
One study in NATURE showed that taking ACV with a high carb meal increased feelings of fullness and resulted in people eating 200-275 fewer calories during the rest of the day Another study looking at 175 people with obesity showed that ACV consumption leads to reduced belly fat and also weight loss.
Taking 1 tablespoon of ACV (12 mL) led to a loss of 2.6 pounds (1.2 kg) taking 2 tablespoons of ACV (30 mL) led to a loss of 3.7 pounds (1.7 kg)
BTW – If you are struggling to lose weight at menopause, I created a weight loss plan for women around Menopause.
The vinegar has a wide range of health benefits , especially during menopause. Many ladies use it to help manage Hot flashes and night sweats as well as other issues such as Menopausal weight gain and digestive and blood sugar issues.
I have taken organic apple cider vinegar regularly over the past few years as part of my daily health routine. I absolutely credit it with helping me heal my leaky gut which meant that food allergy issues that I had have subsided. I can now eat cake with gluten in!. A win in my book!
It’s a wonderful substance with so many benefits that I wanted to write a post outlining some of the reasons why it’s worth incorporating ACV into your daily routine.
It’s especially helpful during the Perimenopause and Menopause, having a lot of benefits at this time which I will outline below.
As always, please understand that I am not a doctor and am not giving medical advice. Please discuss things with your own Doctor before making any changes to your diet or routine.
The overall proven Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar [backed by science]
ACV can…
- Can help kill harmful bacteria
- Help lower blood sugar levels and help with the management of diabetes
- Help with weight loss {more on this below}
- May lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels and help heart health
- Can help skin health
What is Apple Cider Vinegar?
Apple Cider Vinegar is a fermented product made by crushing apples and adding yeast which turns to alcohol. Bacteria are then added to turn the alcohol into Acetic Acid. The Acetic Acid is what gives the vinegar its tangy taste.
Why do you need “The Mother” in ACV?
“The Mother” is the magic part of the Vinegar. It is made up of strands of protein, enzymes and friendly bacteria.
It’s the murky slightly grim-looking bit that lurks at the bottom of a bottle of ACV. The Mother is thought to be the part of ACV which is responsible for the health benefits.
Therefore it’s important to buy unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar that is unpasteurised and contains The Mother. Buy an organic good quality brand as well if possible.
Braggs Organic Unpasteurised Apple Cider Vinegar
Braggs is the classic Vinegar. Its a good brand and has been around for years CHECK PRICE ON AMAZON There are plenty of other brands that you can find though quite easily. Just check it is unpasteurised and unfiltered.
Braggs Organic Unpasteurised Apple Cider Vinegar
Braggs is the classic Apple Cider Vinegar. Its a good brand and has been around for years
There are plenty of other brands that you can find though quite easily. Just check it is unpasteurised and unfiltered.
Can you mix Apple Cider Vinegar with baking soda?
The new trend on the internet is to mix apple cider vinegar with baking soda. This supposedly reduces the acidity of the vinegar. Both ACV and Baking Soda have their benefits. However, mixing them can cause acid reflux, gas and bloat from the chemical reaction and isn’t recomended.
Does apple cider vinegar help with menopause?
Many of the benefits and effects of Apple Cider Vinegar can help with some of the other issues that can arise during Menopause. At menopause, you really have to make a choice about your health going into the future so that you remain healthy for the second half of your life.
ACV can help with some of the menopausal symptoms and health issues that can crop up around Menopause and worsen as you get older. Many menopausal women swear by it.
The ways that ACV helps with Menopause and Perimenopause
1 | Helps support good bone health
The Vinegar contains Magnesium Manganese. This supports and maintains bone mass. It can also lessen the progression of osteoporosis.
2 | Promotes improved gut health
This is how I came to use ACV after my leaky gut caused me food allergies. “The Mother” contains good bacteria which can help to improve the balance of your gut bacteria and fight stomach upsets. This is especially important if you have had to take lots of antibiotics in the past which can damage your gut flora. ACV can also help to relax and cleanse the intestines.
3 | Helps with Weight Loss at Menopause
As described above, there are reliable studies that show that the vinegar can help you lose weight during menopause, especially around the belly area. It also helps to suppress appetite.
4 | Reduces sugar cravings
Cravings and weight gain can be a problem around Menopause. ACV is proved to be helpful to regain blood sugar control which helps to reduce sugar cravings.
This, in turn, helps with controlling your weight during Menopause as well as helping cut down the dreaded Menopause Belly.
ACV can help control diabetes too.
5 | Helps with heart health and blood pressure
Research has shown that ACV can lower cholesterol and triglycerides As well as lowering blood pressure, as shown in this research
6 | Aids digestion
Stomach bloating can be an issue during menopause and doesn’t help with the Menopause Belly. Sipping a glass of vinegar in warm water before a meal can help to soothe bloating and help the intestines to work smoothly.
Are there other natural remedies for hot flashes?
There are quite a few other natural strategies that you can try when trying to get a handle on your hot flashes. Combining them with the use of ACV may enable you to gain control. I’ll outline them in turn.
1 – Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy.
A recent study showed that after just 6 sessions of hypnotherapy, women reported experiencing 56 fewer hot flash episodes each week than did a control group who received no treatment at all.
In addition, the women who underwent hypnotherapy for menopausal symptoms experienced fewer hot flushes compared to their prehypnotic state.
2 – Losing weight for hot flashes
According to research published recently by Baylor University, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight may help ease some of the symptoms associated with menopausal transition.
Researchers assigned women who were having at least four hot flashes daily to either an intervention group or a control group. Six months later, after following the low carb diet for 6 months, the women who were dieting had lost an average of 19 pounds and experienced fewer hot flashes than before they started eating low carb.
Those who were able to lose the most weight reported feeling better than they had before starting their program.
3 – Acupuncture for hot flashes
Acupuncture may help with hot flushes according to the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
The study was conducted among women who had survived breast cancer. They were asked if they experienced hot flashes during their post treatment period.
Women who received electro-acupuncture experienced significantly less frequent hot flashes after just one week compared to women taking a drug called flutamide, which has been shown to be effective at reducing menopausal symptoms like hot flashes. Electro-acupuncture was even better than using a placebo treatment.
4 – Exercise for hot flashes
Exercising regularly helps people lose weight, improve their sleep patterns, and lower levels of stress — which means they may experience fewer hot flashes. Even if exercise doesn’t directly help your hot flashes, it’ll be well worth your time and efforts to get outside for some fresh air.
Try adding 30 minutes of brisk walking to your day to start seeing the benefits.
Conclusion. Will apple cider vinegar help with hot flashes?
Apple Cider Vinegar is a helpful natural remedy that can help with some of the symptoms of menopause, especially if you don’t want to use HRT. Anecdotal evidence says that it can help with hot flashes and night sweats. It’s also scientifically proven to help with weightloss.
It’s cheap and safe and may be worth trying to see if it helps you.
Love and Light
PS If you would like a little more guidance to start your menopause weight loss journey I created a FREE guide which is a simple versions of my Menopause Belly Fat Solution diet plan
You can download your free copy below. I hope it will help you on your menopause weight loss journey.