Best books for The Corona Virus Lockdown. Books To empower & strengthen midlife women during curious times
During Coronavirus lockdown you may find yourself with time on your hands. For many of us, this will be the first time in years that we have had time to sit and read. I love reading but my usually busy life means that I don’t get as much chance to read as I would like. Corona Virus has changed all that!. Therefore I am determined to use this forced downtime to my best advantage to read many of the books I have wanted to get through for a long time. But what are the best books for midlife women to read right now? Books that will help you feel strong, empowered and calm during the coronavirus pandemic. What are the best books for the Corona Virus Lockdown?
As Corona Virus lockdown began I started examining my bookshelves for books I want to read and those I would be happy to revisit. I wanted to share books that I have on my shelf which may help my readers in these uncertain times.
I have copies of all these books piled in front of me now on my desk. They are all tatty and well-thumbed from content re-reading. These are my go-to books when I need calm and solace.
Find your inner power through reading
It’s easy to feel nervous at the moment. To feel that our power has been taken away. To feel worried and frightened. The books that I have selected are all ones that will help you to feel stronger and more in control of the current pandemic situation.
You can’t change what is going on around you but you can change the way you react to it.
Please let me know in the comments which books you would recommend to help others feel stronger.
Let’s make this page a growing library of book ideas to help and empower midlife women.
Amazing books to give you strength during Covid-19
Women who run with the wolves – contacting the power of the wild woman
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
This is one for the most important books you will ever read as a woman.
I have to admit I struggled with the first few chapters. I wondered what all the fuss was about. But I persevered and this book will then reward you with so much insight if you keep going. Just hang on in there.
If you feel cast adrift in the world, this book offers insight into your innate feminine power as a woman. It enables you to develop your own inner strength through the power of storytelling and allegory and to emerge a stronger version of yourself.
It helps you to awaken your true strength and the ageless knowing which has been suppressed for centuries and to step back into your inner feminine power.
Perfect Health – The Complete Body Mind Guide
Deepak Chopra
It’s very easy to feel out of control or worried when it comes to your health, especially the moment as Coronavirus seems to be worsening. It can feel that there’s nothing that you can do to protect yourself or your loved ones. It’s easy to feel lost.
When I was ill with cancer a few years back, this book was invaluable in helping me to relax and feel more in control of my body. It turned around the way I felt about my treatment and gave me a way forward.
Its a wonderful book which balances western medicine with eastern Ayurvedic ideas. It gives you the tools to understand the mind-body connection and put your body into the best possible place to improve your immune system and stay healthy.
The book guides you to identify your own mind-body type and then helps you to put together a total health plan to establish your bodies essential balance with nature and strengthen your mind-body connection.
A must-read for the current times.
If women rose rooted – The journey to authenticity and belonging
Sharon Blackie
I absolutely love Sharon Blackie’s work. She blends an interesting mix of Celtic mythology with storytelling to take the reader on an enchanting journey into their soul.
The book is nothing less than transformative, guiding the reader on a quest to find their place in the world.
Sharon draws on strong women in Celtic folklore and modern contemporary women weaving their own lives. She writes beautifully, drawing you in to find your place.
You will finish this book feeling stronger, more complete and more rooted in the place that you live.
Rise sister rise – A guides to unleashing the wise, wild woman within
Rebecca Campbell
I first read this book when I was isolated in a hospital room receiving radiation therapy for Thyroid Cancer. I was utterly alone, being radioactive and thus barred from visitors. Even the nurses had to keep well away from me to protect themselves. That was my first taste of total isolation and it was horrifying. A deep mental struggle
Thankfully a friend had recommended this book and I download it to my kindle. I devoured it within 24 hours and I can absolutely say that it saved my sanity.
The book is a call for you to remember who you truly are. Part workbook, part handbook, full of history poetry and ideas this book will enable you to access the depths of your soul.
It will help you listen to your intuition, have courage, heal and be the person you came here to be.
This is the perfect book to help you deal with the mental struggles that isolation can bring.
Walking in light – The everyday empowerment of a Shamanic Life
Sandra Ingerman
Sandra Ingerman is a licensed therapist and Shamanic Practitioner.
This book leads you into understanding how you can interact with the universe around you to find your own power and strength.
The book marries practical techniques, guidance and indigenous wisdom to guide you to heal your own life.
Once you understand how the universe moves around you, you have opened your mind to a whole realm of new possibilities.
I hope these books give you a starting point of things to read that will help you to find more strength in these confusing times. Please comment below with your own ideas and let’s share the books that make us feel stronger.
Let’s support each other through this tricky period in our lives.
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